1.Same as straighten
2.to deal with a problem or a confused situation; to help someone with problems improve their inappropriate behavior
1.The face of life's troubles and setbacks, the most important is to straighten out his own heart state, positive face cutting.
2.Ok, I see you have come to see me not so much to complaIn and get thIng straIghten out In a reasonable fashIon.
3.Charlie Babbitt is frantically trying to straighten out his failing Los Angles business which involves expensive import cars.
4."I thought Romney was a shoo-in, " he said. "Something is way wrong. It may take a revolution to straighten out our government. "
5.we are prepared to straighten out the matter in an amicable way by paying you a rebate of 5% so as to start with a clean slate.
6.You straighten out the collar on your crisp red shirt as you walk down the corridor toward the transporter.
7.Since you are going to leave the company, you have to straighten out the accounts in a week.
8.Today is a good day to reflect on what you are doing with sex and turn it over to your higher mind to straighten out for you.
9.Trying to straighten out a crazy boss is like trying to soothe a starving cheetah that's about to consume you for dinner.
10."You must n't feel bad, " he said, kindly; "things will straighten out in the course of time. "